This was a fun week - Ben was home (to go to the Moto-Cross thing!) and so we had his friends over, and had lots of company. It was great! I put my pictures on Flickr, but I guess it might be easier to see them will add a few, and will put the rest on Flickr.
**Edited - ha ha - I have absolutely no control over this!!! You click and drag one direction, and the picture pops up going the other direction! This is the pits!!! And then this is the second time I am redoing this too - this is not going well! Anyone have any hints? Also - when I am looking at it now, the wording and the pictures are separate, but when posted, the words go right over the pictures - harumph, why is that??? I will keep putzing around with it I guess...... wish me luck! BENNIE (my son!-my computer whiz son) HELP!!!
You should figure out what's wrong with those pictures, 'cause it looks pretty terrible! =)
I think they're cute! Hi, I found you through comments on another site. I've only been doing this for a few months too. I'm slowly learning but finding it hard to get up to speed since I also work. Hang in there, you will pick up things as time goes on. It's a wonderful community, everyone is so friendly.
Hi. Thanks for the nice comments you left on my blog. I know you'll get the hang of the template, but until you do... it's kind of tricky. Plus, I think sometimes there's a little glitch in Blogger. Last night it wouldn't let me put a title on my blog article and it did a number on my photos, too. Try uploading all of them centered and large for a while??? I dunno. I'm sure no expert, but aren't these blogs wonderful? I have had so much fun reading them, and they're simply inspirational at times. Hang in there.
Update your blog!
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