Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One of these Days.....

I am just gonna put up a few pictures to get me started...... then in the next few days I will actually post something - I hope!


Linda Stubbs said...

I am not sure how I found you......... oh blog hopping. I saw the picture of the cake. Do you give that out? It looks beautiful and I would love to make for my family. Do you give the recipe out? If so please send me it. Thank you so much.

I don't usually ask like this, but it looks so good!

Blessings, Linda

Jessica said...

HI Diane.... Yes, my parents told me they ran into you at the antiques show last weekend. I just missed you, I was there too. You are right, I've been blessed with wonderful parents.

Mom said you two made plans to get together sometime this summer. That would be wonderful and we could finally meet.

You like to garden like we do.... My Mom has this annual spring plant swap where a bunch of gardeners get together and share perennials that need dividing up. It's always at my parents house the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I'd like to send you an invitation to your email. I know I had your email at one time but I can't find it. Can you send it to me? jmullauer@verizon.net Thanks!

Fiona is hobbling around but getting around pretty good considering her hip problem. She doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain and she's so happy to be outside with us and loves to run around and play with any sticks she can find. She is sooooo cute! We will be taking her to the specialist soon. I need to figure out a morning when I can get away from work for a few hours. We'll keep you posted.

Gotta run.... I'm gonna be late for work! Enjoy the rain today!

replica bags said...
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imitation watches said...

nice bird

imitation watches said...

HI Diane.... Yes, my parents told me they ran into you at the antiques show last weekend. I just missed you, I was there too. ...